Currently CUPE 7797 has 4 General Membership Meetings (GMMs) each year, and meetings of the units are as needed to elect stewards, health & safety reps, committee members, and to address member concerns.
It’s executive is structured to give representation to all units, with each having their own Vice President that sits on the executive, along with the President, Secretary-Treasurer, Membership Officer and Recording Secretary.
CUPE 7797 also has standing committees such as the Grievance Committee (which decides whether grievances go to mediation/arbitration), and Bargaining Committees, as needed when negotiations are set to take place.
Volunteer committees include the Women’s Committee, Education Committee, the Committee Against Racism and Discrimination, the Health & Safety Ctte., the Bylaw Ctte., the Membership Support Ctte. and the Social Ctte. – members are welcome to volunteer for these committees.